To Do Lists: Grocery Lists and Business Goals

If you are like me, you have at least four to-do lists going at any one time: Target list, grocery list, family chores/errands, and work goals. But how many times have you gone to the grocery store, or to the office, only to discover you have left your list back home? For me, it was more times than I would like to admit. I have tried using the notes function on my iPhone but that was not a good solution.  Surely, I thought, there must be an app for that. So over the last two months I have been researching and using a handful of apps that promise to help you create and organize your lists.

One of the best features I found is the ability to share a list with a co-worker or a spouse. Either one of you can add an item to the shared list and it will immediately show up on both of your phones. Another nice feature is syncing across devices: I can add an item via my phone or tablet and it seamlessly updates both. The list of features is almost endless: due dates, reminders, sub tasks, notifications.

Try several and find which one works best for you

You cannot go wrong with any of these apps. They all work well, are free and work on most platforms. Wunderlist, Anylist and are very similar. I suggest you try them all and figure out which features are important to you and which interface you like best.

  1. Wunderlist

Wunderlist is my overall favorite list making app. It has a beautiful layout and is easy to use.  It is packed with features yet still works great for a simple list



AnyList is my favorite grocery list app. It does not have as many bells and whistles as some of the other apps but what makes it special is that it categorizes your grocery items making shopping a breeze.



Todoist is robust and full of features. It is awesome for collaborating with colleagues and works well in a corporate environment.





Remember the Milk is an oldie but a goodie.  It was one of the first list making apps to gain popularity and is still widely used because of its simple design.
 is another full featured app. It has tons of features and looks slick. Using this for work or home would make keeping track of tasks easy.

Posted in Tech Tips.

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