How to Cut the Cord and Ditch your Cable Bill

“Cutting the cord” is the hot term these days.  Everyone wants to ditch their cable or satellite TV company and the accompanying bill, while still having the ability to watch their favorite shows and games. But questions abound: Can I still watch The Bachelor? Can I watch my favorite football games? Will I get local […]

Cell Phone Contract and Rules

What rules have you set for your child’s cell phone use? Gone are the days when monitoring phone use meant just picking up the phone in another room to listen to the conversation. Today’s youth rarely even use their phones for actual voice conversations. They are more likely to use it to view Snapchat Stories, […]

To Do Lists: Grocery Lists and Business Goals

If you are like me, you have at least four to-do lists going at any one time: Target list, grocery list, family chores/errands, and work goals. But how many times have you gone to the grocery store, or to the office, only to discover you have left your list back home? For me, it was […]

Instagram and Your Kids

My car was full of middle schoolers but was eerily quiet. When I looked in my rearview mirror I saw six kids staring at their phones. Chances are they were on Instagram. If your kids are out of elementary school then they are probably on social media. Heck, I know several kids that are still […]